Play Bella's Lullaby

Just click the keyboard button saying "Activate Keyboard control" and type the letters below to play part of Bella's Lullaby ;]]


)iutruwq welq )iutruwq ##ee**io yui rreewwqjjllwwrr rreewwqjjllwwtt* rreewwqlleettii rreewwqlleettii iiuttrwq jjllwwrr iiuttrwq yui rreewwq jjllwwrr rreewwqjjllwwrr     ...?


That's all I know, so sorry 'bout that :/ If you know what the rest is, you can contact me by using the message box on the homepage. (BTW-you can find which letter goes to which key by clicking on the question mark button on the keyboard


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